Cookie policy uses cookies to collect statistics about your use of the website which help us improve the user experience. When you click on a link on, you accept our cookie policy.
Collection of information
This website belongs to Palle Iversen, and when you click on the site, cookies collect information about you, your computer and your movements on the site. Information is gathered in two ways:
- By using cookies
- Through information you provide
Only the details you personally provide contain personal information. Cookies do not contain personal information.
What are cookies?
En cookie er en lille tekstfil, som lagres i din webbrowser, når du har klikket på et website. En cookie er ikke et program, den indeholder ingen personlige oplysninger og den slettes automatisk efter et stykke tid (nogle gange samme dag, andre gange efter flere år). Cookies kan ikke indeholde virus. Første gang du besøger Palle Iversens website, modtager du automatisk en eller flere cookies, som giver os mulighed for at genkende dig, når du vender tilbage, og for at registrere din færden på sitet. På den måde kan vi forbedre din oplevelse på sitet.
Two types of cookies
The first type is first-party cookies, which come from the owner of the website and are used as described above. The second type is third-party cookies, which come from other sites. The third-party cookies on come from our business partners (such as advertising networks, Facebook and Google). They determine, for example, which advertisement for Palle Iversen you see on other websites. Cookies are stored for different periods of time, some for only 30 minutes, others for two years.
How to avoid cookies
You can delete the cookies stored on your computer at any time in your web browser. You can also set the browser to warn you before cookies are stored or to block cookies if you do not want to receive them at all. For more information go to Please note that some websites require cookies to function properly.
Contact us about cookies
If you would like more information about Palle Iversen’s cookie policy, you can contact us at: Skolegade 1, DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark, e-mail:
Privacy policy
In the following you can read about how we record your information, why we need to store it and how we handle it.
Collection of personal information
When you register with Palle Iversen, for example to receive our newsletter, to register for a customer event or when you answer one of our questionnaires, your contact details will be used from time to time to send you messages. We use the information to contact current and former customers with newsletters and special offers.
How long do we store the information?
When you register with Palle Iversen and provide information about your company name, personal name, gender, age, telephone number and/or e-mail, we store the information for up to five years. We subsequently delete all personal information.
Who has access to information about you?
Only a limited number of people have access to your details at Palle Iversen, where the information is stored in a controlled environment subject to regular security checks. Palle Iversen will never pass your information on to a third party without your express consent.
What do we use the information for?
Palle Iversen uses your personal information to contact you when we have specials which might interest you. Information about your behaviour on the Internet, obtained via cookies, is primarily used to make our website more user-friendly. Other cookies control when you are exposed to Palle Iversen’s advertisements when visiting other websites.
Delete or modify personal information
You can obtain information about what details Palle Iversen has stored about you at any time by calling +45 7583 4422 or writing to According to the Danish Processing of Personal Data Act, you are entitled to have incorrect or misleading information deleted or removed, and you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can also let us know via the above-mentioned phone number or e-mail address if you do not wish to be contacted by Palle Iversen in the future.